How Do You Know If Modifications to Septic Tank and Drainfield Systems Are Needed?

DKK Consulting Offers Advice to Help You Keep Your Wellington Area Property’s Sewage System Functioning Effectively.

When it comes to maintaining a property, there are some systems that people are perfectly happy to ignore, and sewage systems are often at the top of the list. Unfortunately, turning a blind eye to the health of your Wellington area property’s septic system could lead to some very unpleasant surprises.

Thinking about septic tanks and drainfields may not be glamorous or fun, but it does offer real advantages. After all, things rarely break at convenient times. Knowing a bit about how these systems function and the potential warning signs that could signal that modifications to your septic tank and drainfield systems may be needed can help you identify trouble early so that you can head off problems before they cause a major disruption at your Wellington property.

The Role of Septic Tanks and Drainfields in On-site Sewage Treatment Systems

Large cities normally allow property owners to tie into a municipal sewer system. What happens when homes and businesses don’t have that option? They have to rely on their own on-site sewage treatment and disposal systems. Typically, septic tanks and drainfields take starring roles in these systems.

How does it work? Waste is flushed from the building into the tank. There, it begins to separate. Oils, grease, and fats are lighter than water, so they rise to the top of the tank as scum. Solids drop to the bottom as sludge. The design of the tank means that these substances will largely remain there, with microbes working to break them down until they are pumped from the tank. Meanwhile, the now partially treated wastewater is allowed to continue on towards the drainfield. Here, the soils continue the cleaning process by removing bacteria and organic material as the water slowly pushes through it. Eventually, the water makes its way to rejoin the groundwater.

Red Flags for Septic or Drainfield Distress

A properly designed on-site sewage treatment system will function smoothly, but it won’t last forever. Eventually, maintenance, repairs, or modifications will be required. Fortunately, troubled sewage systems generally send out warning signs, so you have time to take action before a major failure occurs. Signs of potential problems include the following:

  • Toilets flush slowly.
  • Water backs up into sinks, tubs, or appliances.
  • Gurgling sounds are heard when water is used.
  • Grass is especially thick and green over the septic.
  • Puddles appear without explanation near the septic.
  • Holes develop near the drain fields.
  • A foul smell is noticeable in the area.

A troubled septic system isn’t the only reason to seek assistance. If you’re considering adding on to your structure or incorporating additional buildings into your existing on-site sewage treatment and disposal system, then changes to your current system may be needed.

Modifying Septic Tanks and Drainfields for Real Results

What goes into getting the right septic system design for your property’s needs? A number of factors must be accounted for, including lot size, household size, soil type, site slope, weather conditions, and the proximity of any wetlands or sensitive water bodies. State and local regulations are another consideration.

What are your options when it comes to modifications to septic tank and drainfield systems? It will depend on your situation and your needs. With septic tanks, that could mean looking at split system designs or tank expansions that provide greater capacity by installing either a larger tank or a series of tanks. For drainfield-driven dilemmas, the challenge will be finding ways to replace or expand your drainfield.

Are you concerned that modifications to septic tank and drainfield systems may be needed at your Wellington area property? The team of highly experienced civil engineers at DKK Consulting Incorporated has the knowledge and expertise to get the job done properly. Reach out to us for assistance today.

Septic Tank and Drainfield Modification